iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01: How to Create Amazing Vocal Effects and Sounds

Are you looking for a way to spice up your vocals with iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01? This is a powerful plugin that lets you blend five different vocal modules and seven stompbox-style effects to craft your own signature vocal sound.

In this article, you will discover what iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 can do, how to download and install it for free, and how to use it in your productions.

What is iZotope VocalSynth?

iZotope VocalSynth is a vocal synthesizer plugin that allows you to manipulate your voice in various ways. You can use it to create vocoder, talkbox, polyphonic, and computer voice effects, as well as add organic and synthetic textures to your vocals.

iZotope VocalSynth has five blendable modules that you can mix and match to create different vocal timbres and effects:

  • Vocoder: This module lets you modulate your voice with a carrier signal, such as a synth or a guitar, to create robotic or futuristic sounds.
  • Compuvox: This module lets you digitize your voice with bitcrushing, distortion, and filtering effects, to create glitchy or retro sounds.
  • Polyvox: This module lets you generate harmonies, octaves, or unisons from your voice, to create lush or choir-like sounds.
  • Talkbox: This module lets you shape your voice with a virtual mouth and throat model, to create funky or expressive sounds.
  • Biovox: This module lets you model the physical characteristics of your voice, such as nasality, breathiness, and vowel shapes, to create natural or morphed sounds.

iZotope VocalSynth also has a multi-effects chain that you can use to further enhance your vocal sound. You can drag and drop seven different effects in any order you want:

  • Distort: This effect lets you add saturation, clipping, or foldback distortion to your vocals.
  • Filter: This effect lets you apply low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or comb filters to your vocals.
  • Transform: This effect lets you apply pitch-shifting, frequency-shifting, or ring modulation to your vocals.
  • Shred: This effect lets you chop up your vocals into rhythmic slices and rearrange them.
  • Delay: This effect lets you add echo or ping-pong delay to your vocals.
  • Chorus: This effect lets you add modulation and width to your vocals.
  • Reverb: This effect lets you add ambience and space to your vocals.

How to Download and Install iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 for Free

If you want to try out iZotope VocalSynth without paying for it, you can download and install iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 for free from various websites on the internet. However, we do not recommend this method for several reasons:

  • It is illegal: Downloading and using cracked software is a violation of the intellectual property rights of the software developers. You could face legal consequences if you are caught using pirated software.
  • It is unsafe: Downloading and installing cracked software could expose your computer to viruses, malware, spyware, or ransomware. You could lose your data or compromise your security if you are infected by malicious software.
  • It is unreliable: Downloading and installing cracked software could cause compatibility issues, performance issues, bugs, crashes, or errors in your system. You could also miss out on updates, support, or features that are available in the official version of the software.

If you want to use iZotope VocalSynth legally, safely, and reliably, we suggest that you buy the official version from the iZotope website. You can also download a 10-day free trial version from the same website if you want to test it out before buying it.

How to Use iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 in Your Productions

If you have downloaded and installed iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 (or the official version), you can use it in your productions as a plugin in your DAW (digital audio workstation). Here are some steps on how to use it:

  1. Add iZotope VocalSynth as an insert effect on your vocal track: Depending on your DAW, you can add iZotope VocalSynth as an insert effect on your vocal track by dragging and dropping it from the plugin browser or by selecting it from the menu.
  2. Select a processing mode: iZotope VocalSynth has three processing modes that allow you to control how it affects your vocals: Auto mode (the default mode), MIDI mode, and Sidechain mode. In Auto mode, iZotope VocalSynth automatically detects the pitch and formant of your vocals and applies the effects accordingly. In MIDI mode, iZotope VocalSynth follows the MIDI notes that you play on a keyboard or draw on a piano roll and applies the effects accordingly. In Sidechain mode, iZotope VocalSynth uses an external audio signal (such as a synth or a guitar) as the carrier signal for the vocoder module and applies the effects accordingly.
  3. Mix and match the modules and effects: iZotope VocalSynth allows you to blend up to four modules at once (Vocoder + Compuvox + Polyvox + Talkbox) and one Biovox module separately. You can adjust the level of each module with the faders at the bottom of the interface. You can also tweak the parameters of each module with the knobs at the top of the interface. You can also drag and drop up to seven effects in any order in the multi-effects chain at the right side of the interface. You can adjust the parameters of each effect with the knobs below them.
  4. Tweak the global controls: iZotope VocalSynth also has some global controls that affect the overall sound of the plugin. You can adjust the dry/wet mix with the knob at the top right corner of the interface. You can also adjust the output level with the knob at the bottom right corner of the interface. You can also access some advanced settings by clicking on the gear icon at the top left corner of the interface.

: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vocalsynth.html
: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/vocalsynth.html

Some Tips and Tricks for Using iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01

Now that you know how to use iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01, here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of it:

  • Use the presets: iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 comes with hundreds of presets that you can use as starting points or inspiration for your vocal effects. You can browse the presets by category, such as Genre, Style, Character, or Module. You can also save your own presets and share them with others.
  • Use the animation mode: iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 has an animation mode that lets you automate the movement of the modules and effects with a simple click and drag. You can create dynamic and expressive vocal modulations with ease and fun.
  • Use the advanced view: iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 has an advanced view that gives you more control and flexibility over the modules and effects. You can access the advanced view by clicking on the arrow icon at the bottom left corner of the interface. You can adjust more parameters, such as bands, levels, envelopes, filters, modulators, and more.
  • Use the inter-plugin communication: iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 works within the iZotope ecosystem to connect with other plugins like Neutron, Ozone, and Tonal Balance Control. You can use the inter-plugin communication to optimize your vocal mix, balance your vocals with other instruments, or apply mastering effects to your vocals.


iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 is a versatile and creative plugin that lets you transform your vocals with five vocal modules and seven stompbox-style effects. You can use it to create vocoder, talkbox, polyphonic, computer voice, and biovox effects, as well as add distortion, filter, transform, shred, delay, chorus, and reverb effects to your vocals.

However, downloading and installing iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 for free is illegal, unsafe, and unreliable. You could face legal troubles, security risks, or performance issues if you use pirated software. If you want to use iZotope VocalSynth legally, safely, and reliably, we recommend that you buy the official version from the iZotope website. You can also download a 10-day free trial version from the same website if you want to test it out before buying it.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 and how to use it in your productions. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.

: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vocalsynth.html
: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/vocalsynth.html


iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 is a versatile and creative plugin that lets you transform your vocals with five vocal modules and seven stompbox-style effects. You can use it to create vocoder, talkbox, polyphonic, computer voice, and biovox effects, as well as add distortion, filter, transform, shred, delay, chorus, and reverb effects to your vocals.

However, downloading and installing iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 for free is illegal, unsafe, and unreliable. You could face legal troubles, security risks, or performance issues if you use pirated software. If you want to use iZotope VocalSynth legally, safely, and reliably, we recommend that you buy the official version from the iZotope website. You can also download a 10-day free trial version from the same website if you want to test it out before buying it.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about iZotope VocalSynth Crack 2.01 and how to use it in your productions. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below.

: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vocalsynth.html
: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/vocalsynth.html

