Air Navigation Pro Apk Cracked: Is It Worth It?

Air Navigation Pro is a flight assistant app that offers real-time GPS navigation for VFR pilots all over the world. It has many features such as moving map, flight planning, approach charts, aeronautical charts, weather updates, instruments, alerts, traffic awareness, database and search engine, automatic logbook, flight plan and briefing, live tracking, flight recording, and more.

However, Air Navigation Pro is not a free app. It requires a subscription to access all its features and data. The subscription plans range from $49.99/year to $199.99/year depending on the level of service and coverage. Some people might find this too expensive or inconvenient and might look for ways to crack the app and use it for free.

But is cracking Air Navigation Pro apk worth it? What are the risks and disadvantages of using a cracked apk? And what are some alternatives to cracking? In this article, we will answer these questions and help you make an informed decision.

Risks and Disadvantages of Using a Cracked Apk

Using a cracked apk means downloading and installing an unauthorized version of the app that has been modified to bypass the security and payment mechanisms. This might sound tempting for some people who want to save money or avoid hassle, but it also comes with many drawbacks.

First of all, cracking an app is illegal and unethical. It violates the terms of service and the intellectual property rights of the app developer. It also deprives them of their rightful income and discourages them from improving and updating the app. If you are caught using a cracked apk, you might face legal consequences or lose your account.

Secondly, using a cracked apk is risky and unreliable. You never know what kind of malware or spyware might be hidden in the apk file or how it might affect your device or data. You also cannot expect any support or updates from the app developer or any compatibility with other devices or services. You might end up with a corrupted or outdated app that does not work properly or at all.

Thirdly, using a cracked apk is detrimental to your flight safety and performance. Air Navigation Pro is a critical app that provides you with accurate and timely information and guidance during your flight. You need to trust that the app is working correctly and has the latest data available. Using a cracked apk might compromise the quality and reliability of the app and expose you to errors or failures that could endanger your life or others.

Alternatives to Cracking

Given the risks and disadvantages of using a cracked apk, we strongly advise you not to do it. Instead, there are some alternatives that you can consider if you want to use Air Navigation Pro without breaking the law or compromising your safety.

One alternative is to use the free trial option that Air Navigation Pro offers. You can download the app for free from the App Store or Google Play and use it for 14 days with full access to all features and data. This way, you can test the app and see if it meets your needs and expectations before deciding whether to subscribe or not.

Another alternative is to choose a subscription plan that suits your budget and requirements. Air Navigation Pro offers different subscription plans that vary in price and coverage. You can choose between Premium ($49.99/year), Smart+ ($99.99/year), or Ultimate ($199.99/year) plans depending on how often you fly, where you fly, what features you need, etc. You can also pay monthly instead of yearly if you prefer.

A third alternative is to look for other apps that offer similar or comparable services as Air Navigation Pro. There are many aviation apps available in the market that provide flight planning and navigation functions for VFR pilots. Some examples are Aerovie, CoPilot GPS Navigation, Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps[^

Aerovie, CoPilot GPS Navigation, and Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps

If none of the above alternatives appeal to you, you might want to check out some other apps that offer similar or comparable services as Air Navigation Pro. There are many aviation apps available in the market that provide flight planning and navigation functions for VFR pilots. Some examples are Aerovie, CoPilot GPS Navigation, and Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps.

Aerovie is a comprehensive flight planning and electronic flight bag app that integrates with various data sources and devices. It has features such as weather briefing, flight plan filing, moving map, synthetic vision, terrain awareness, traffic display, instrument approach charts, logbook, cloud tops, icing, turbulence, PIREPs, METARs, TAFs, winds aloft, and more. Aerovie offers a free trial for 30 days and then charges $69.99/year for the subscription.

CoPilot GPS Navigation is a general-purpose navigation app that can also be used for flying. It has features such as offline maps, voice-guided directions, speed limit warnings, lane guidance, route planning, points of interest, traffic updates, and more. CoPilot GPS Navigation offers a free trial for 14 days and then charges $29.99/year for the premium service.

Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps is another general-purpose navigation app that can also be used for flying. It has features such as offline maps, voice-guided directions, lane guidance, speed limit warnings, route planning, points of interest, traffic updates, head-up display, dashcam, and more. Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps offers a free trial for 7 days and then charges $49.99/year for the premium service.

The table below compares some of the main features and prices of these three apps with Air Navigation Pro.

App Features Price
Air Navigation Pro Moving map, flight planning, approach charts, aeronautical charts, weather updates, instruments, alerts, traffic awareness, database and search engine, automatic logbook, flight plan and briefing, live tracking, flight recording $49.99/year to $199.99/year depending on the level of service and coverage
Aerovie Weather briefing, flight plan filing, moving map, synthetic vision, terrain awareness, traffic display, instrument approach charts, logbook, cloud tops, icing, turbulence, PIREPs, METARs, TAFs, winds aloft $69.99/year
CoPilot GPS Navigation Offline maps, voice-guided directions, speed limit warnings, lane guidance, route planning, points of interest, traffic updates $29.99/year
Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps Offline maps, voice-guided directions, lane guidance, speed limit warnings, route planning, points of interest, traffic updates, head-up display, dashcam $49.99/year


Air Navigation Pro is a great app for VFR pilots who want to have a reliable and convenient flight assistant on their devices. However, it is not a free app and requires a subscription to access all its features and data. Cracking the app is not a good idea as it is illegal, unethical, risky, and unreliable. Instead, you can try the free trial option, choose a subscription plan that fits your needs, or look for other apps that offer similar or comparable services.


What is the difference between VFR and IFR?

VFR stands for visual flight rules and IFR stands for instrument flight rules. VFR pilots fly by using visual references such as landmarks, horizon, and weather conditions to navigate and avoid obstacles. IFR pilots fly by using instruments such as altimeter, compass, and radio to navigate and communicate with air traffic control.

Can I use Air Navigation Pro on multiple devices?

Yes, you can use Air Navigation Pro on multiple devices as long as they are registered under the same account and use the same operating system (iOS or Android). You can also sync your data across your devices using the cloud service.

How often are the data and maps updated in Air Navigation Pro?

The The data and maps in Air Navigation Pro are updated regularly according to the official sources and publications. You can check the update frequency and validity dates of each data package in the app or on the website. You can also enable the automatic update option in the app settings to download the latest data and maps whenever they are available.

What are some of the benefits of using Air Navigation Pro?

Some of the benefits of using Air Navigation Pro are: – It helps you plan your flight efficiently and easily by using the built-in database and search engine, creating waypoints and routes, calculating distances and times, checking weather conditions, filing flight plans, and getting briefings. – It helps you navigate your flight safely and accurately by using the moving map, displaying your position, speed, altitude, heading, course, and track, showing aeronautical charts and approach charts, providing instruments and alerts, monitoring traffic awareness, and recording your flight. – It helps you improve your flight performance and experience by using the live tracking feature, sharing your flight with others, accessing your automatic logbook, reviewing your flight recording, and customizing your app settings and preferences.

How can I contact Air Navigation Pro for support or feedback?

You can contact Air Navigation Pro for support or feedback by using one of the following methods: – Email: – Phone: +41 32 511 29 00 – Website: – Facebook: – Twitter: – YouTube:
