BUD FUND Government-funded special funds
Introduction to BUD Special Fund

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Can a new company apply for BUD?
Are both limited companies or unlimited companies eligible to apply?
Both limited and unlimited companies can apply for the BUD special fund. In addition to the parent company, all companies registered in Hong Kong are eligible, even unlisted subsidiaries of the parent company. The company information documents required to be submitted for the two are slightly different. A limited company mainly submits BR, CI, NAR1, MPF records and audit reports; an unlimited company mainly submits Form 1a, BR and tax return records.
Can I apply for BUD simultaneously if I own several companies at the same time?
If you own several companies at the same time, in principle, these companies can submit BUD applications simultaneously. However, the companies under your name will share the same cumulative funding amount, that is, the total cap of the Mainland Plan and the Free Trade Agreement Plan is 4 million, instead of each company having its own funding amount of 4 million.
I mainly want to develop my business in Hong Kong. Can I apply for BUD?
In principle, the BUD special fund supports companies to expand their business in the mainland or free trade agreement areas. In other words, the company’s goods or services must be sold or provided in the target market. Therefore, funding is not available for business expansion in Hong Kong.
However, companies can indeed take certain measures in Hong Kong, such as hiring employees and setting up websites, to help expand business in target markets. You are welcome to inquire with us.
Do I need to write a plan to apply for BUD?
Enterprises currently only need to fill in the application form and submit relevant documents. Of course, there are still many things to pay attention to when filling out the application form, and we are happy to provide support.
Do you have to own a company in the Mainland or the free trade agreement market to apply for BUD?
It is completely acceptable for an enterprise not to have a company in the mainland or a free trade agreement area when applying, as long as the enterprise intends to develop in these markets. Enterprises can include the “new business unit” cleaning expenses in their application, such as company establishment agency fees and rent, etc. If the company’s application project does not require the assistance of a local company to execute it, there is no need to set up a company.
What should we pay attention to when making procurement?
The required quotations for the corresponding amounts are as follows:
< $2,000: 1 quote $2,000 – $50,000: 2 offers Above $50,000 – $300,000: 3 offers $300,000 and above – $1.4 million: 5 offers Above $1.4 million: open tender However, sometimes the services or products purchased are very special and what should be done if sufficient quotations cannot be obtained? Welcome to learn from us.[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title="What does %22comply with local regulations/obtain relevant licenses%22 mentioned in the BUD application mean?" _builder_version="4.27.3" _module_preset="default" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}" open="off" sticky_enabled="0"]
This is the most easily overlooked item for general enterprises to apply for BUD special funds. The government requires companies to comply with the relevant regulations for operating/selling products/providing services/importing goods in the target market and obtaining relevant certificates when applying. Taking the mainland as an example, some products must be registered with the customs and obtain GB (China Compulsory National Standards) / 3C (China Compulsory Product Certification) certification before they can be sold legally.
If the company has not obtained these certifications, it can include the cost of relevant certifications in the application. However, you must obtain relevant certifications before you can start business. Want to know which products require certification? We can provide advice.
Does successful application for the BUD project mean that you will definitely receive funding?
The successful approval of a project only means that the company is “qualified” to receive a certain ceiling of funding. The actual amount of funding depends on whether all expenses are accepted in the final report submitted by the company. Generally speaking, few companies can obtain 100% of the approved funding amount. Even if you receive 75% of the initial grant, if you fail to complete some projects in the end, you may have to refund part of the money to the government.
Therefore, successfully applying for approval is only a small step towards success. “The best is yet to come.”
The longer the project execution period, the better?
The BUD special fund execution period is up to 24 months. In other words, if you hire additional employees in your project, up to 24 months of salary can be reimbursed. However, all projects over 18 months are required to submit an interim report at the mid-point of the project (i.e. at the 12th month) and a final report after completion of the project, a total of 2 reports. BUD’s project reporting administrative procedures are cumbersome and require submission of audit reports. If the company does not have sufficient human resources, it is recommended that the project implementation period be up to 18 months. All projects of 18 months or less only need to submit one final report after the project is completed, giving companies more time to process relevant documents.
Why BUD Special Fund-Professional Advisory Opinion?
Generally, the amount of funding a company is approved for depends on the company’s annual revenue (Annual Turnover). Generally, it applies for one project per year, and a maximum of 1 million yuan can be applied for one project.
Whether it is the optimized mainland plan or the free trade agreement plan, since the BUD application procedures are quite complicated, the form alone has dozens of pages. On the one hand, you must be familiar with the government’s requirements and procedures, and on the other hand, you must also take into account the company’s brand development and Resource utilization and marketing. The internal resources of a typical company are unable to cope with an application process with such a huge administrative workload.
After being evaluated by professional consultants, many companies may have met the basic requirements in terms of income and have sufficient internal manpower, so they choose to apply on their own. This kind of thinking is understandable, because company management often wants to “finish everything” and save some consulting fees. However, after six consecutive terms, they either failed to apply for NT$1 million in one go, failed to exhaust the upper limit of a single project and felt it was not worth it, or they had a headache as the project progressed, wondering when to submit the relevant documents. If there is even the slightest inaccuracy in the proof, the government will ask for an explanation, causing extraneous problems and causing big losses.
BUD has the largest amount of funding among many government funds, with a cumulative funding of $6 million. Since its launch, nearly $500 million in funding has been approved. However, it is also one of the more difficult to apply for. According to the Government Audit Office report, the overall application success rate is less than 40%. The administrative procedures for BUD application are complicated and there are many traps, so some companies have failed to apply even after several applications.
What qualifications do enterprises need to meet to apply for funding from the "BUD Special Fund: Enterprise Support Program"? How much funding is available?
All unlisted enterprises registered in Hong Kong in accordance with the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310) and with substantial business operations in Hong Kong are eligible to apply for funding. Regardless of whether you are engaged in the manufacturing or service industry, or whether you already have business operations in the Mainland, you are eligible to apply for subsidies.
Subsidy under the “BUD Special Fund: Enterprise Support Program” is provided on a reciprocal basis, that is, the government can fund up to 50% of the total approved expenditure of a specific project, and enterprises must bear no less than 50% of the total approved expenditure of the project in cash. During the application period of the fund, each enterprise can receive funding for up to three approved projects. The cumulative funding limit for each enterprise under the “BUD Special Fund” is NT$500,000.
I am planning to further develop my brand. Is there any financial support from the government?
In June 2012, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government launched a “Special Fund for Brand Development, Upgrading and Transformation, and Domestic Market Expansion” (referred to as the “BUD Special Fund”) with a total value of NT$1 billion. The fund aims to provide subsidies to Hong Kong enterprises to help them explore and develop the mainland market through brand development, upgrading and transformation, and expanding domestic sales. Individual enterprises can obtain funding through the enterprise support program of the BUD special fund. For details, please visit the “BUD Special Fund: Enterprise Support Program” secretariat website.
In addition, the SME Credit Guarantee Scheme and the SME Marketing Fund of the Trade and Industry Department provide credit guarantees to local SMEs and subsidize SMEs to participate in export promotion activities respectively. Creative Hong Kong and the Innovation and Technology Commission also provide different financial supports. For details, please visit the relevant website:
– Small and Medium Enterprise Funding Scheme of the Trade and Industry Department https://www.smefund.tid.gov.hk/cindex.html
– Support measures provided by Create Hong Kong https://www.createhk.gov.hk/tc/
– Funding schemes provided by the Innovation and Technology Commission https://www.itf.gov.hk/l-tc/about.asp
Recently I received a query: "Which program should BUD Taiwan apply for?"
Currently, the BUD Special Fund has two programs: Mainland Program and FTA Programme. The Mainland Plan supports the Mainland China market. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are not “Mainland”, so the Taiwan market is not supported by the Mainland Plan. The Free Trade Agreement Program supports all economies that have signed a Free Trade Agreement with Hong Kong, including Macao. However, Hong Kong and Taiwan have not signed any Free Trade Agreement, so the Taiwan market is not supported by the Free Trade Agreement Program.
Is the funding scheme limited to SMEs only?
This funding scheme is not limited to small and medium-sized enterprises. Enterprises that comply with the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310) can apply.
Which industries can apply for funding under this scheme?
There are no industry restrictions for this program.
Are advertising expenditures subsidized?
Generally speaking, advertising expenditures (such as television, radio, newspaper, online or street advertising) are eligible for funding. The upper limit of advertising budget expenditure is 50% of the total budget expenditure of the entire project.
Does the BUD Special Fund fund any type of equipment?
no. For example, general application equipment such as computers, software, cameras, projectors, printers, and retail systems are not included in the scope of funding.
If an enterprise is applying for other government funding, can it still apply for other BUD-specific funds?
The same project cannot apply for more than one funding plan at the same time. It is recommended to only apply for one funding plan at the same time.
Is there an application deadline for the BUD Special Fund?
No. The committee holds an approval meeting every three months, so the secretariat processes applications in batches in March, June, September and December.
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