

Ossia Score 2.3.1 Crack + [Win/Mac] [Latest-2022]

Ossia Score For Windows 10 Crack is a modern and complex piece of software specialized in intermedia authoring. Designed for users responsible with creating comprehensive art installations, live performances, or situations that require precise execution of timed events, this interactive sequencer allows users to create a wide range of flexible scenarios.
Basic presentation of the app’s features
In addition, Ossia Score enables accurate scripting of precise scenarios, as well as provides users with the ability to fully control any OSC-compliant piece of software or hardware. Users can remote-control apps such as Max/MSP, Unity3D, OpenFrameworks, and Modul8, to name a few.
One of its main advantages is that it provides a great range of flexibility when it comes to time management. For example, users can set temporal or conditional relationships between multiple events, use creative loops to create interactive scenarios, and hierarchize the score. The application also has various interpolation and breakpoint features. For example, Ossia Score can automatically interpolate parameters’ values between events. Additionally, it allows users to perform live-scripting using JavaScript.
Well-rounded GUI
Ossia Score is a complex application, but for a tool of this sort, it boasts a very clean and intuitive GUI. The app’s main window is comprised out of a typical toolbar, the Device Explorer on the left side, the Timeline panel in the middle, and the Objects Inspector on the right.
The Device explorer allows you to view your projects in a tree-like perspective, as well as displays all parameters and their current values. The Timeline panel where users can write the scenario handling the commands provided to your device. The panel also provides the possibility of adding some audio synthesis or processing. Last but not least, the Objects inspector is the place users can explore and select elements from in their scenario’s structure (events, triggers, intervals), as well as display and edit parameters of the currently selected object.
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Stratos (not verified) – April 1, 2016:

Excellent job! Thanks

JD_Guy (not verified) – March 15, 2016:

This is a great sequencer. It’s not cheap but it’s worth the money if you want to do complex work with multiple instruments or MIDI controllers.

Ossia Score 2.3.1 Product Key Full [32|64bit]

If you would like to help provide better descriptions, please refer to the faq. Description:

Hello world! A simple osc application using OSCCloud. It is written in JavaScript and runs in the browser. Note that OSCCloud should be configured so that the example OSCCloud hosts can be accessed from other machines by using the oscaddress parameter. We suggest the use of a local IP address instead of


The entire logic is done within the browser, which means that OSCCloud must be configured to allow remote connections.

Embedding of the OSCCloud webapp into the website is supported.

The webapp can be used to control any piece of software (including OSCCloud itself) by using OSCCloud’s JSON RPC interface.

How to run the example

Please set the IP address of your web server in line 3 in keymacro.js, and refresh the page. The JSON RPC interface allows OSCCloud to be controlled using any standard HTTP client library (including jQuery). In other words, we have no control over the website.

Please note that we are not responsible for anything you may do with the OSCCloud instance we provide you. Please ensure you are capable of deploying the code to your own server or have a firm understanding of what OSCCloud is.

Hello. This is a simple example using OSCCloud. It demonstrates sending and receiving messages using OSCCloud’s JSON RPC interface. This example uses the IFTTT API, which is available at On a web server, you can access it by using On a PC or mobile device, you can use You’ll need to have an app key from IFTTT in order to use the API.

Since IFTTT 1.0, OSCCloud supports external clients (“external protocols”) which reside on an internal IP address and require no setup. In this example, we’ll use an example OSCCloud client, which is described in the OSCCloud manual.

To run this example

Ossia Score 2.3.1 Crack+ Activation Code

The application can be used to create interactive scenarios. Users can design their scenarios based on triggers and objects, as well as control various parameters.
Ossia Score is an open-source software available for free download under GNU General Public License.
OSC-compliant interfaces:
OSC interfaces like Max/MSP, Midi MidiMapper, OSC/RTM/OmniBus, Marmelad, Modul8, etc. can be controlled in Ossia Score.
Scripts in JavaScript and Kanna can be used for remote control of other apps.
User interface
Ossia Score is an intuitive and well-designed application.
It has an Explorer device window that allows users to view and edit their project on a tree-like perspective. The same view is shown in the timeline panel, where user can work on the scenario’s logic using the timeline.
Object inspector shows the currently selected objects and their parameters.
OSC-compliant interfaces:
OSC-compliant interfaces like Max/MSP, Midi MidiMapper, OSC/RTM/OmniBus, Marmelad, Modul8, etc. can be controlled in Ossia Score.
Scripts in JavaScript and Kanna can be used for remote control of other apps.
System requirements:
Ossia Score has been tested on Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.
Mac OS X:
Ossia Score has been tested on macOS Sierra 10.12.6
Ossia Score has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
Download Ossia Score
Instructions for building Ossia Score:
You will find instructions for building Ossia Score on our homepage in the link below.

Download Ossia Score from here:


There’s no ‘free’ for free so just paying for something is a disgrace to those who provided the free or nearly free tool for everybody. The only thing i like in software is the open source community and of course GNU free software. So it’s clear that you don’t want to support open source by giving money for software. Sorry.

I’m working on a sonic art project and I’

What’s New in the Ossia Score?

Software: Ossia Score

Ossia Score is a modern and complex piece of software specialized in intermedia authoring. Designed for users responsible with creating comprehensive art installations, live performances, or situations that require precise execution of timed events, this interactive sequencer allows users to create a wide range of flexible scenarios.
Basic presentation of the app’s features
In addition, Ossia Score enables accurate scripting of precise scenarios, as well as provides users with the ability to fully control any OSC-compliant piece of software or hardware. Users can remote-control apps such as Max/MSP, Unity3D, OpenFrameworks, and Modul8, to name a few.
One of its main advantages is that it provides a great range of flexibility when it comes to time management. For example, users can set temporal or conditional relationships between multiple events, use creative loops to create interactive scenarios, and hierarchize the score. The application also has various interpolation and breakpoint features. For example, Ossia Score can automatically interpolate parameters’ values between events. Additionally, it allows users to perform live-scripting using JavaScript.
Well-rounded GUI
Ossia Score is a complex application, but for a tool of this sort, it boasts a very clean and intuitive GUI. The app’s main window is comprised out of a typical toolbar, the Device Explorer on the left side, the Timeline panel in the middle, and the Objects Inspector on the right.
The Device explorer allows you to view your projects in a tree-like perspective, as well as displays all parameters and their current values. The Timeline panel where users can write the scenario handling the commands provided to your device. The panel also provides the possibility of adding some audio synthesis or processing. Last but not least, the Objects inspector is the place users can explore and select elements from in their scenario’s structure (events, triggers, intervals), as well as display and edit parameters of the currently selected object.
Ossia Score is an innovative, open-source intermedia sequencer that appeals to the advanced media creator responsible with the design of live performances and such matters that require the precise execution of timed events.
Software: Ossia Score


Ossia Score is a modern and complex piece of software specialized in intermedia authoring. Designed for users responsible with creating comprehensive art installations, live performances, or situations that require precise execution of timed events, this interactive sequencer allows users to create a wide range of flexible scenarios.
Basic presentation of the app’s features
In addition, Ossia Score enables accurate scripting of precise scenarios, as well as provides users with the ability to fully control any OSC-compliant piece of software or hardware. Users can remote-control apps such as Max/MSP,

System Requirements:

Windows 7
Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later
512 MB RAM recommended
16 GB Hard Disk space recommended
Adobe AIR (3.2 or later) installed on the machine
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