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Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode: A Fun and Educational Cartoon for Kids

If you are looking for a fun and educational cartoon for your kids, you might want to check out Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode. Robocar Poli is a popular animated series that features a super transforming rescue team of Brooms Town, a small town where cars and people live together in harmony. The rescue team consists of Poli, a police car, Roy, a fire truck, Amber, an ambulance, and Helly, a helicopter. They are always ready to help their friends and neighbors from dangers and troubles, while also teaching valuable lessons about safety, friendship, trust, and cooperation.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, such as what it is, where you can watch it, why you should watch it, and what you can learn from it. We will also give you some tips on how to enjoy Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode with your kids.

What is Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is the Malay dubbed version of Robocar Poli, a South Korean animated series that was created by RoiVisual and EBS. Robocar Poli has four seasons, with 26 episodes each. Each episode is about 11 minutes long, and focuses on a different rescue mission or situation that involves the characters of Brooms Town.

Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is available on YouTube, on the official channel of Robocar Poli TV. You can watch all the episodes of Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode for free on YouTube, with no subscription or registration required. You can also choose to watch the episodes in other languages, such as English, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, or Arabic.

Why should you watch Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is not only entertaining, but also educational for your kids. Here are some reasons why you should watch Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode with your kids:

  • It can help your kids learn Malay language and culture. By watching Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, your kids can improve their listening and speaking skills in Malay language, as well as learn some words and expressions that are commonly used in Malaysia. They can also learn about the culture and values of Malaysia, such as respect, kindness, diversity, and harmony.
  • It can help your kids learn safety tips and rules. By watching Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, your kids can learn how to avoid or deal with various dangers and troubles that they might encounter in their daily lives, such as fire, traffic, water, electricity, animals, strangers, etc. They can also learn how to follow safety rules and regulations that are important for their well-being and protection.
  • It can help your kids learn social and emotional skills. By watching Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, your kids can learn how to interact and cooperate with others in a positive and respectful way. They can also learn how to express and manage their feelings and emotions in a healthy and appropriate way. They can also learn how to cope with challenges and difficulties that they might face in their lives.
  • It can help your kids develop their imagination and creativity. By watching Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode

    What can you learn from Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

    Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is not only fun and educational, but also inspirational for your kids. Here are some of the things that you can learn from Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode:

    • You can learn about different types of vehicles and their functions, such as police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, helicopters, buses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, etc. You can also learn about their parts and features, such as sirens, lights, hoses, ladders, propellers, wheels, etc.
    • You can learn about different types of professions and their roles, such as police officers, firefighters, paramedics, pilots, teachers, doctors, mechanics, farmers, etc. You can also learn about their skills and responsibilities, such as enforcing the law, fighting fires, saving lives, flying planes, educating students, healing patients, fixing machines, growing crops, etc.
    • You can learn about different types of situations and their solutions, such as accidents, emergencies, disasters, crimes, conflicts, mysteries, etc. You can also learn about how to prevent or handle them safely and effectively, such as calling for help, following instructions, using tools and equipment, working as a team, finding clues and evidence, solving problems and puzzles, etc.
    • You can learn about different types of values and morals that are important for your personal and social development, such as love, friendship,
      etc. You can also learn about how to apply them in your daily life and relationships with others,
      such as caring for others,
      sharing with others,
      respecting others,
      apologizing to others,
      listening to others,
      negotiating with others,
      talking to others,
      helping others,

    Where can you find more information and resources about Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

    If you want to find more information and resources about Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, you can visit the following websites and channels:

    • The official website of Robocar Poli, where you can find the introduction, the characters, the games, the news, and the merchandise of Robocar Poli. You can also download the official video app of Robocar Poli from the website. The website is available in English, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, and Indonesian. The website address is .
    • The official Facebook page of Robocar Poli, where you can find the latest updates, events, videos, photos, and fan arts of Robocar Poli. You can also interact with other fans and followers of Robocar Poli from around the world. The Facebook page is available in English and Korean. The Facebook page address is .
    • The official Instagram account of Robocar Poli, where you can find the behind-the-scenes, the previews, the clips, and the stories of Robocar Poli. You can also share your own posts and stories about Robocar Poli with the hashtag #robocarpoli. The Instagram account is available in English and Korean. The Instagram account address is .
    • The official YouTube channel of Robocar Poli TV, where you can watch all the episodes of Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode for free. You can also watch the episodes in other languages, such as English, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, or Arabic. You can also find other videos related to Robocar Poli, such as safety education videos, music videos, compilations, etc. The YouTube channel is available in English and Korean. The YouTube channel address is .

    How can you support Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

    If you love Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode and want to support it, you can do the following things:

    • Subscribe to the official YouTube channel of Robocar Poli TV, and watch the episodes regularly. You can also like, comment, and share the videos with your friends and family.
    • Follow the official social media accounts of Robocar Poli, and stay updated with the latest news and events. You can also participate in the contests and giveaways that are held occasionally.
    • Visit the official website of Robocar Poli, and download the official video app of Robocar Poli. You can also play the games and buy the merchandise of Robocar Poli from the website.
    • Write reviews and feedbacks about Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode on various platforms, such as blogs, forums, or online communities. You can also rate and review Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode on various websites, such as IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, or Metacritic.
    • Recommend Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode to your friends and family, and encourage them to watch it. You can also watch Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode together with them, and have fun and meaningful conversations about it.

    What are some of the best episodes of Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode?

    Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode has many amazing and memorable episodes that you and your kids can enjoy. Here are some of the best episodes of Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode that you don’t want to miss:

    • Ep. 1 Rescue Team of Brooms Town: This is the first episode of Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode, and it introduces the main characters and the setting of the series. In this episode, you can see how Poli, Roy, Amber, and Helly work together to rescue SchoolB, a school bus that gets stuck on a bridge.
    • Ep. 7 Try Not to Hurry: This is an episode that teaches you the importance of being patient and careful. In this episode, you can see how Spooky, a tow truck that always hurries and rushes, causes a lot of trouble and accidents in Brooms Town. You can also see how Spooky learns his lesson and apologizes to his friends.
    • Ep. 13 I Love You, Grandpa!: This is an episode that teaches you the importance of family and respect. In this episode, you can see how Mini, a small car that lives with his grandpa Posty, a mail truck, feels embarrassed and annoyed by his grandpa’s old-fashioned ways. You can also see how Mini realizes his mistake and shows his love and gratitude to his grandpa.
    • Ep. 19 The Friendship Tree: This is an episode that teaches you the importance of friendship and trust. In this episode, you can see how Cleany, a street sweeper that loves nature and plants, finds a special tree that he calls his friendship tree. You can also see how Cleany’s friends help him protect his tree from being cut down by Mr. Builder.
    • Ep. 26 Our New Friend, Whooper: This is an episode that teaches you the importance of diversity and harmony. In this episode, you can see how Whooper, a new car that comes from another town, joins the rescue team of Brooms Town. You can also see how Whooper’s friends help him adapt to his new environment and overcome his fears.


    Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is a fun and educational cartoon for kids that features a super transforming rescue team of Brooms Town, a small town where cars and people live together in harmony. Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode can help your kids learn Malay language and culture, safety tips and rules, social and emotional skills, and imagination and creativity. Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode can also be a great cartoon for you and your kids to watch together, and enjoy the stories, the characters, the games, and the lessons that it offers. Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode is available on YouTube, on the official channel of Robocar Poli TV. You can also find more information and resources about Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode on the official website and social media accounts of Robocar Poli. If you love Robocar Poli Malay Version Full Episode and want to support it, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow the social media accounts, visit the website, write reviews and feedbacks, and recommend it to your friends and family.{Premium}[Youfilecrop%20-%20Download%20Quickbooks%20POS%20v11%202013%20Multistore%20…%20-%20Facebook](1).md
