Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download: A Rare and Valuable Book on Sufism and Spiritual Awakening

If you are interested in learning more about the secrets of Islamic mysticism and divine love, you may want to download Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf, a book that contains a collection of poems and teachings by various Sufi masters and scholars.

Kitab Fafirru Ilallah, which means “Turn to God” in Arabic, is a book that was written by Kyai Mundzir Nadzir, an Indonesian Islamic scholar and preacher, in 1962. The book explains the signs and events that will happen before the Day of Judgment, from the minor to the major ones. The book also provides guidance on how to prepare oneself for the end of times and how to attain spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God.

The book is based on the teachings of the Quran, the Hadith, and the works of famous Sufi figures such as Ibn Arabi, Rumi, Al-Ghazali, Al-Hallaj, and others. The book covers topics such as the nature of God, the soul, the heart, the world, the angels, the prophets, the saints, the devil, the sinners, the paradise, the hellfire, and more. The book also contains poems and prayers that express the love and longing for God and His Messenger.

Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf is a rare and valuable book that is not widely available in print or online. However, you can download it for free from various websites that offer Islamic books and resources. By downloading Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf, you will be able to access a treasure of wisdom and knowledge that can help you improve your faith and spirituality.

Why should you download Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? There are many benefits and advantages of reading this book, such as:

  • You will learn about the Islamic beliefs and teachings regarding the end of times and the signs of the Hour, which are based on authentic sources and evidences.
  • You will gain insight and inspiration from the words and experiences of the Sufi masters and scholars, who have reached high levels of spiritual excellence and knowledge.
  • You will discover the secrets and mysteries of the divine reality and the relationship between God and His creation.
  • You will develop a stronger faith and a deeper love for God and His Messenger, by following their commands and guidance.
  • You will improve your moral character and your ethical conduct, by avoiding sins and evil deeds and by doing good deeds and acts of worship.

How can you download Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? There are several websites that offer this book for free download, such as:

  1. Scribd: This is a popular website that allows you to read and download various books and documents online. You can find Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf by searching for its title or by clicking on this link: .
  2. Doodlekit: This is a website that provides a platform for creating blogs and websites. You can find Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf by visiting this blog: .
  3. This is a website that offers news and tips for a perfect life, such as fitness, fashion, lifestyle, health, beauty, recipes, travel, etc. You can find Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf by going to this page: .

What are some tips for reading Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? Here are some suggestions that can help you get the most out of this book:

  • Read the book with an open mind and a sincere heart, seeking the truth and guidance from God.
  • Read the book with respect and reverence, honoring the author and the sources that he used.
  • Read the book with understanding and reflection, trying to comprehend the meanings and implications of the words and concepts.
  • Read the book with action and application, trying to implement the teachings and recommendations in your daily life.
  • Read the book with gratitude and appreciation, thanking God for giving you this opportunity and blessing.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download. We encourage you to download this book and read it for yourself, as it can be a source of enlightenment and inspiration for you. May God guide us all to His path and His pleasure. Ameen.

Where can you find more information about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? If you want to learn more about the author, the sources, the contents, and the benefits of this book, you can visit some of these websites:

How can you share Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf with others? If you want to spread the word and the wisdom of this book with your friends, family, and colleagues, you can use some of these methods:

  • Email: You can send an email with the link or the attachment of Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf to anyone who might be interested in reading it. You can also write a brief introduction or a summary of the book in your email.
  • Social media: You can post or tweet about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf on your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. You can also use hashtags or tags to reach more people who might be interested in reading it.
  • Blog or website: You can write a blog post or an article about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf on your blog or website, where you can also provide some background information or analysis of the book. You can also include some images or videos of the book.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download. We encourage you to download this book and read it for yourself, as it can be a source of enlightenment and inspiration for you. May God guide us all to His path and His pleasure. Ameen.

Who is the author of Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? The author of this book is Kyai Mundzir Nadzir, an Indonesian Islamic scholar and preacher who lived from 1916 to 1976. He was a prominent figure in the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) movement, which is the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. He was also a prolific writer who authored more than 100 books on various topics of Islam, such as theology, jurisprudence, mysticism, history, ethics, and education.

What are the sources of Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? The sources of this book are mainly the Quran, the Hadith, and the works of famous Sufi figures such as Ibn Arabi, Rumi, Al-Ghazali, Al-Hallaj, and others. The author also used some other sources such as the Bible, the Torah, the Zabur, the Vedas, and the writings of ancient philosophers and historians. The author cited his sources with accuracy and honesty, and he also acknowledged the differences and disagreements among them.

What are the contents of Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf? The contents of this book are divided into four parts:

  1. The first part deals with the signs and events that will happen before the Day of Judgment, from the minor to the major ones. The author describes these signs and events in detail, based on the Quranic verses and the prophetic traditions. He also explains their meanings and implications for the believers and the unbelievers.
  2. The second part deals with the preparation and readiness for the Day of Judgment. The author advises the readers to repent from their sins and to turn to God sincerely. He also gives some practical tips on how to increase one’s faith and good deeds, such as performing prayers, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, etc. He also warns against some obstacles and temptations that may hinder one’s repentance and devotion.
  3. The third part deals with the spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God. The author introduces the readers to the concepts and practices of Sufism, which is the mystical dimension of Islam. He explains the stages and states of the soul’s journey towards God, such as purification, illumination, annihilation, subsistence, etc. He also shares some poems and prayers that express the love and longing for God and His Messenger.
  4. The fourth part deals with the divine reality and the relationship between God and His creation. The author discusses some metaphysical topics such as the nature of God, His names and attributes, His actions and will, His mercy and justice, etc. He also discusses some ontological topics such as the nature of existence, causality, contingency, necessity, etc. He also discusses some epistemological topics such as the sources of knowledge, revelation, reason, intuition, etc.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download. We encourage you to download this book and read it for yourself, as it can be a source of enlightenment and inspiration for you. May God guide us all to His path and His pleasure. Ameen.


Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download is a book that contains a collection of poems and teachings by various Sufi masters and scholars. The book explains the signs and events that will happen before the Day of Judgment, and provides guidance on how to prepare oneself for the end of times and how to attain spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God. The book is based on the teachings of the Quran, the Hadith, and the works of famous Sufi figures such as Ibn Arabi, Rumi, Al-Ghazali, Al-Hallaj, and others. The book covers topics such as the nature of God, the soul, the heart, the world, the angels, the prophets, the saints, the devil, the sinners, the paradise, the hellfire, and more. The book also contains poems and prayers that express the love and longing for God and His Messenger.

Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download is a rare and valuable book that is not widely available in print or online. However, you can download it for free from various websites that offer Islamic books and resources. By downloading Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download, you will be able to access a treasure of wisdom and knowledge that can help you improve your faith and spirituality. You can also find more information about the author, the sources, the contents, and the benefits of this book from some other websites that we have mentioned in this article. You can also share this book with others by using some methods that we have suggested in this article.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information about Kitab Fafirru Ilallah Pdf Download. We encourage you to download this book and read it for yourself, as it can be a source of enlightenment and inspiration for you. May God guide us all to His path and His pleasure. Ameen.!!LINK!!
