Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free Download: A Comprehensive Resource for Buddhist Studies

If you are interested in learning about Buddhism and its teachings, you may have heard of Ayathana Sangrahaya, a book that contains the essential doctrines and principles of the Buddhist philosophy. Ayathana Sangrahaya is also known as the Establishments Code of Sri Lanka, as it is a legal document that regulates the public administration and service of the country.

Ayathana Sangrahaya was first published in 1972 and has been revised and updated several times since then. The latest edition of Ayathana Sangrahaya was issued in 2013 and includes the amendments made by the Public Administration Circulars issued as per the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers from 1985 to 2012.

Ayathana Sangrahaya is divided into two volumes: Volume I covers the general rules and regulations of the public service, such as appointments, transfers, promotions, salaries, pensions, leave, discipline, etc. Volume II covers the specific rules and regulations of different departments and institutions of the public service, such as education, health, agriculture, police, etc.

Ayathana Sangrahaya is available in both Sinhala and Tamil languages and can be downloaded for free from the official website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Management. The soft copies of Ayathana Sangrahaya are in PDF format and can be easily accessed on any device.

Why You Should Download Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free

There are many reasons why you should download Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free if you are interested in Buddhist studies. Here are some of them:

  • Ayathana Sangrahaya is a comprehensive and authoritative source of Buddhist teachings. It contains the core doctrines and principles of Buddhism, such as the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Three Characteristics of Existence, the Five Aggregates, the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, etc.
  • Ayathana Sangrahaya is also a practical guide for living a moral and ethical life according to Buddhism. It provides the rules and regulations for conducting oneself in various situations and circumstances, such as family life, social life, professional life, etc. It also explains the consequences of one’s actions and how to avoid negative karma and cultivate positive karma.
  • Ayathana Sangrahaya is also a historical and cultural document that reflects the values and traditions of Sri Lanka. It shows how Buddhism has influenced and shaped the public administration and service of the country for centuries. It also demonstrates how Sri Lanka has preserved and promoted Buddhism as its national religion and heritage.

Therefore, downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is a great way to enrich your knowledge and understanding of Buddhism and its applications in Sri Lanka. You will be able to learn from the wisdom and experience of the Buddha and his followers who have compiled this book over time. You will also be able to appreciate the beauty and diversity of Sri Lankan culture and society that is rooted in Buddhism.

How to Download Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free

Downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is very easy and convenient. You just need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Management at https://www.pubad.gov.lk/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&Itemid=192&lang=si.
  2. On the left side of the homepage, you will see a menu with different options. Click on the option that says “ආයතන සංග්‍රහය” (Establishments Code).
  3. You will be directed to a new page that contains the information and links for downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya. You will see two links for downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya in Sinhala and Tamil languages. Click on the link that says “ආයතන සංග්‍රහයේ සිංහල මාධ්‍ය මෘදු පිටපත බාගත කර ගැනීම [ PDF – 13.4 MB ]” (Download the soft copy of Establishments Code in Sinhala medium [ PDF – 13.4 MB ]).
  4. You will be asked to save the file on your device. Choose a suitable location and name for the file and click on “Save”.
  5. The file will be downloaded on your device within a few minutes, depending on your internet speed and connection.
  6. You can open the file using any PDF reader software or application on your device. You can also print the file if you want a hard copy of Ayathana Sangrahaya.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free on your device. You can now enjoy reading and studying this valuable book at your own pace and convenience.

What You Can Learn from Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free

Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is not only a book of rules and regulations, but also a book of wisdom and insight. By reading and studying Ayathana Sangrahaya, you can learn many things that can benefit you in your personal and professional life. Here are some of the things you can learn from Ayathana Sangrahaya:

  • You can learn the basic teachings and concepts of Buddhism, such as the nature of suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the path to the cessation of suffering. You can also learn the methods and practices of meditation, mindfulness, morality, concentration, and wisdom that can help you overcome suffering and attain happiness and peace.
  • You can learn the ethical and moral principles of Buddhism, such as the five precepts, the ten wholesome actions, the four sublime states, the eight worldly conditions, etc. You can also learn how to apply these principles in your daily life and interactions with others. You can also learn how to avoid unwholesome actions and cultivate wholesome actions that can lead to positive karma and good rebirth.
  • You can learn the legal and administrative system of Sri Lanka, such as the constitution, the parliament, the executive, the judiciary, the public service commission, etc. You can also learn the rights and duties of a citizen, a public servant, a voter, a taxpayer, etc. You can also learn how to abide by the law and respect the authority.
  • You can learn the history and culture of Sri Lanka, such as the origins and development of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, the ancient kingdoms and civilizations of Sri Lanka, the colonial invasions and struggles for independence of Sri Lanka, the contemporary issues and challenges of Sri Lanka, etc. You can also learn the values and traditions of Sri Lanka, such as hospitality, generosity, tolerance, unity in diversity, etc.

Therefore, reading and studying Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free can enrich your mind and heart with knowledge and understanding. You can also improve your skills and abilities in various fields and domains. You can also enhance your character and personality with virtue and compassion.

How to Use Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free Effectively

Downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is not enough to make the most of this book. You also need to know how to use it effectively and efficiently. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to use Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free effectively:

  • Read Ayathana Sangrahaya with an open and curious mind. Don’t just read it for the sake of reading, but try to understand and appreciate the meaning and purpose of each rule and regulation. Don’t just memorize the facts and figures, but try to analyze and apply them in your own context and situation.
  • Read Ayathana Sangrahaya with a critical and reflective mind. Don’t just accept everything blindly, but try to question and evaluate the validity and relevance of each rule and regulation. Don’t just follow the rules and regulations mechanically, but try to adapt and modify them according to the changing circumstances and conditions.
  • Read Ayathana Sangrahaya with a respectful and humble mind. Don’t just read it with arrogance and pride, but try to acknowledge and appreciate the wisdom and experience of the authors and compilers of this book. Don’t just read it with indifference and negligence, but try to follow and practice the rules and regulations sincerely and diligently.
  • Read Ayathana Sangrahaya with a grateful and generous mind. Don’t just read it with greed and selfishness, but try to share and spread the benefits and merits of this book with others. Don’t just read it with attachment and possessiveness, but try to offer and dedicate the fruits and results of this book for the welfare and happiness of all beings.

Therefore, using Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free effectively can help you gain more value and benefit from this book. You can also develop more skills and qualities that can help you in your personal and professional life. You can also contribute more to the society and the world with your service and kindness.

Where to Find More Resources on Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf Free

Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is a great resource for learning about Buddhism and public administration in Sri Lanka. However, it is not the only resource available. There are many other resources that can complement and supplement Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free. Here are some of the resources that you can find online or offline:

  • The official website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Management at https://www.pubad.gov.lk/web/. This website contains the latest information and updates on the public service and administration of Sri Lanka. You can also find the circulars, gazettes, forms, manuals, reports, and other documents related to Ayathana Sangrahaya.
  • The official website of the Public Service Commission at https://www.psc.gov.lk/web/. This website contains the information and services of the Public Service Commission, which is the constitutional body that oversees and regulates the public service of Sri Lanka. You can also find the rules, regulations, guidelines, procedures, and decisions related to Ayathana Sangrahaya.
  • The official website of the Department of Buddhist Affairs at http://www.buddhistdept.gov.lk/. This website contains the information and activities of the Department of Buddhist Affairs, which is the government agency that promotes and protects Buddhism in Sri Lanka. You can also find the publications, programs, projects, and events related to Ayathana Sangrahaya.
  • The official website of the Buddhist Publication Society at https://bps.lk/. This website contains the publications and resources of the Buddhist Publication Society, which is a non-profit organization that publishes and distributes books and articles on Buddhism in various languages. You can also find the books, magazines, newsletters, and online library related to Ayathana Sangrahaya.
  • The official website of the Buddhist Channel at https://www.buddhistchannel.tv/. This website contains the news and views on Buddhism from around the world. You can also find the videos, podcasts, blogs, forums, and social media related to Ayathana Sangrahaya.

Therefore, finding more resources on Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free can help you expand your knowledge and perspective on Buddhism and public administration in Sri Lanka. You can also access more information and insights from different sources and viewpoints. You can also connect with more people and communities who share your interest and passion for Ayathana Sangrahaya.


Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is a valuable and useful book that can help you learn about Buddhism and public administration in Sri Lanka. It is a comprehensive and authoritative source of Buddhist teachings and principles, as well as a practical and legal guide for public service and administration. It is also a historical and cultural document that reflects the values and traditions of Sri Lanka.

Downloading Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free is easy and convenient. You just need to visit the official website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Management and follow the instructions. You can also find more resources on Ayathana Sangrahaya from other websites and organizations that are related to Buddhism and public administration in Sri Lanka.

Using Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free effectively can help you gain more benefit and value from this book. You need to read it with an open, critical, respectful, grateful, and generous mind. You also need to understand, apply, question, evaluate, follow, practice, share, and dedicate the rules and regulations of Ayathana Sangrahaya.

We hope that this article has helped you learn more about Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free and how to use it effectively. We also hope that you will download Ayathana Sangrahaya Sinhala Pdf free and enjoy reading and studying this book. We wish you all the best in your journey of learning and practicing Buddhism and public administration in Sri Lanka.

