Huashan Mountain, China
Those with a worry of heights, be warned. You’ll be able to basically hike this unbelievable mountain with out leaving your seat. The path begins out easy sufficient — it is high up, but the path is relatively wide, with interesting temples to stop at along the way in which. On your journey, you may additionally encounter slim stone stairs and a few vertigo-inducing paths. In some locations it appears to be like like unstable planks of wood have been hammered into the mountainside for folks to cross. Gulp!

Cobots could make an appearance anyplace businesses use robots for meeting and manufacturing. Presently, there are roughly 74 robots per 10,000 workers around the globe, and experts expect the trade to grow by 13% in the next 12 months. Whereas cobots will play a large role in manufacturing in the years to return, this know-how remains to be comparatively younger.

I wished to build a chess robot that would play and beat me. I had previously made one using a commercial equipment (AL5D) however it is kind of expensive. And so I determined to 3D-print a robot and rewrite my code for it…. The human, taking part in white, makes a move. This is detected by the visible recognition system. The robotic arm kit raspberry pi then ponders after which makes its transfer.

This gorgeous documentary explores the cultural and scientific impacts meteorites and craters have had on Earth. It’s sophisticated however compelling stuff. The film interviews people like Norwegian jazz guitarist Jon Larsen, who describes the feeling of holding a micrometeorite: “No human being has ever touched something older. It’s really trying eternity in the eye.” One particular crater we see near the beginning of the film is absolutely gorgeous.